Sometimes, I write.


From Genesis to Revelation

The Bible tells the haunting story of God’s quest to restore humanity to the lofty place it held at the beginning of all things.

Remade in the Image of Jesus

Learn what it means to be truly human again.

Gardens and the History of Humanity

The story of humanity pivots on small moments in far-away gardens.

Leviticus Is the Key to Hebrews

The least-favorite book in the Bible explains one of the most-favorite.

Celebrating God’s Generosity

The ancient tithe practices of Deuteronomy give us a surprising picture of how God wants us to use what we give back to him.

The Chilling Tale of a King

When we read “Saul from Gibeah,” we should tremble in our seats.

Die first; then comes the end.

The message of the Book of Revelation teaches believers how to die well.

Broken-down Cars

Grieving with those who grieve looks a lot like a car wreck on the side of the road.

Job and the God who would not be chained.

The Book of Job isn’t about grief. It’s about a God who is truly free.

Jesus and the Kingdom of God

Jesus came to set up a kingdom. Which kind was entirely up to the people who did—or didn’t—receive him.

How God Loves Us

The tenacious love of God never, ever lets go. Even when it hurts.

Jesus or Herod?
The choice of the Magi

When faced with the long-promised king, will you bend a knee or raise your fist in rebellion?

The (Impossible) Task of Following Jesus

Following Jesus means the slow death of the self.

The Least of These

The world will be judged on how it treats the followers of Jesus—the least of these.

The Hard Task of Reading Well

Reading the Bible is a skill you can strengthen. But it takes time—and practice.

The Race

The life of a Christian is a race. But what matters isn’t the place you finish, but the God waiting for you at the end.

Character Comes from the Stories We Tell Ourselves

The words we use to shape our own stories changes the very fabric of our personhood.

God Answers the Silly Prayers Too

It may feel wrong to pray for little things. But the God who made us cares for every part of our lives—even when it’s silly.

Yahweh vs. Baal: The Psalms as Apologetic

Some psalms offer the ancient equivalent of a rap-battle. They pit the gods of the nations against Yahweh, and the winner is always the same.

Worshipping God Means More than Singing

Modern Christianity thinks worship is exclusively a musical endeavor. But the Bible’s picture of praise is very different.

A Child’s Compassion

What my toddler daughter taught me about forgiveness.

Living Justly, Loving Mercy

A collection of essays on God’s call to justice and mercy in an age of anger and rage.

Consecrate We Who Are Dust

A prayer.

Keep Your Back to the Future

Hebrew looks at the timeline backwards. And that might be a good thing.

My Fair Writer

All writers have a voice, and we all need to let go of it.

Lament. Full Stop.

Biblical lament invites God’s people to halt their day-to-day life and sit in sorrow with those whose worlds have crumbled.